What is it that would benefit our students that you can provide?

We are excited about the education industry. There are so many mindsets, so many methods, so many possibilities!

If people see you as someone that believes in the natural process of learning and a respecter of the main elements of Montessori and Reggio Emilia methodology, you just might be a great fit for our team. You must be at least bilingual to near native fluency in one of the UN languages in addition to your native tongue. You should have a bachelors degree in something. You should be a responsible person that is comfortable with choosing honesty regarding negative situations that won't put a bad taste in the mouth. You must be confident in your ability to do what you do, and yet humble enough to learn how to adapt what you do to fit the needs of Key Babel Institute and our students.

Are you ready? Drop us a line!

Currently accepting applications for PART-TIME positions.